Jason Small and us | | | |
Yesterday was Abriel's dedication.
For those of you who don't know what a baby dedication is, it's a time for parents to thank God publicly for the child He has given them, to vow to raise this child to have high moral standards, good character and have the same beliefs as them.
I was thinking about that last part today and I thought to myself, "is it wrong to teach our kids only the Christian beliefs in hope that when they grow up they will decide on their own to follow Christ? I know people who would say yes. But I would have to disagree. First of all, when people grow up they make their own decisions. I know people who have grown up in the church from day one that have completely turned against the church, God and everything to do with either. I also know people who have never stepped foot inside a church before they were "of age" to make a decision for Christ who have committed their lives fully to Him. Secondly, what parent would not teach their kid what they believe to be true? If you believe smoking is bad for you won't you at least tell your kids not to smoke? If you believe it's right to vote (as it's election day in Canada, I hope you have), pay taxes, tip, not punch people and hold the door open for old ladies at the supermarket won't you teach your kids to do those things? Basically, we hope that through our example of a Christian life (as crappy an example as it is sometimes) Abriel, and any other kids we have in the future, would
want to follow Christ. That it wouldn't be something forced upon them but something they choose.
I thought about our beliefs. One of the things Keeleah and I believe is everyone should be involved in some way with helping other people. For us, right now, that means moving to the Dominican for a time. This announcement has been met with a wide range of reactions: from the very popular "You guys are stupid for bringing your kid down there (even for a week)" to the rare but uplifting "I admire you guys for doing something to help.....even if you're completely nuts." We understand where people are coming from but we feel compelled to go and help. We honestly believe it's what God wants us to do. And when I think of it that way I feel confident in our decision. I feel confident that we are parents who are living out what we want our children to live out (no matter how difficult it is for us to let them go at the time). I feel confident that we are doing our part in teaching Abriel what it is to do what you feel is right even if you are not completely sure how it will turn out.
The dedication was a reminder that parenting isn't something to be taken lightly. We are responsible for how this little, innocent girl turns out. We are responsible not only to tell her what is right but to live it out so she can see how it's done. Thanks to everyone who was at
Community Church supporting us yesterday and to everyone who agreed and will agree to help us for the rest of our / her life. We really love you guys.
And to Abriel, your mom and I will make a lot of mistakes but we will always try and fix them. We will always try and teach you right from wrong. We will always let you know that we love you so much and God loves you even more. You are beautiful, smart and completely wonderful.
Chris (
A lot of our friends and family gathering around us to pray. Thanks so much to everyone for all your support! |