Saturday, July 16, 2011

Leaving on a jet plane

Attempt number two.... I had written this blog a couple days ago but while editing it deleted the whole thing and – very helpful - auto save clicked in right at that moment. It was an upsetting couple of hours but I have accepted it and have rewritten it!! Not that you know what was in my first attempt but I am going to try and remember what I wrote.

I think it started off like this....  "once upon a time in a far away land.....".  Just kidding :) I started off by apologizing for the lack of consistency with our blog writing. Life gets so busy, so fast. We plan on writing much more frequently while in the Dominican. Recently our life has been a lot of diaper changing and drooling; nothing too blog worthy.

We leave September 9th 2011 around 9am and return February 7th 2012 around 9pm. My sister was with me when I sent the confirmation email to book the flights. There were a few little screams let out and a lot of "I am freaking out" being said. It felt like such a big moment but seemed too easy at the same time. It was an adrenalin rush from making a life decision and actually taking this step and risk to start the journey. When I told Chris a little later in the day I was actually disappointed with his reaction. I was thinking in my head "HELLO!?! WE ARE MOVING TO ANOTHER COUNTRY". All he said was "That's awesome". As we talked about it more he said he was so excited and looking forward to it and that it just felt right. I agreed with that but I am still freaking out a bit (which soo isn't in my character at all ;). Haha! We are really looking forward to this next chapter in our lives and we are so thankful for all the support we have been receiving from family, friends and even strangers. So, it's really happening.  We have made the first financial commitment. It seems a little surreal and crazy to think we will be leaving in less than two months.

If you would like to support what we are doing in the D.R there are a few ways you can do that, one of them is by attending our coffee house/purse sale fundraiser on AUG 13th 2011 in the evening. It will be at the Freeway Cafe in Hamilton and feature Jordan Packham, Robyn Asplen, CJ Keddy and Lydia Fry who are all amazing! It’s going to be a great night. Please keep this date free and if you have any purses you can donate please contact me :) Thanks so much!!!

Chris trying to bottle feed.
I also wanted to share a couple things on the mom side of life. Abriel is great. It's cliché but I do love her more every day. At 4 months she has such a personality and is a very funny girl. She has been teething and now has 2 teeth. I didn't think I would have to be dealing with this so soon but she is not oaky with status quo and wanted teeth sooner. She has been a little grumpy and has her moments of crying when it gets painful (but I don't blame her). The worst part has been when she bit me a couple times while feeding. OUCH! Fortunately, she hasn't done it in few days and I am thankful. I am worried about what will happen if she does it with a few more teeth..... Because of this new development we have been trying to get her to take pumped milk from a bottle. I am not trying to wean her off breastfeeding completely, just trying to get a day off (or more than 3 hours at a time). I love, love, love hanging out with her but I am feel like I need a day off. Being attached to someone for 4 months is challenging. We have been trying the bottle for two weeks and we have tried all different strategies: 4 different bottle types, 2 sippy cups and a straw/spoon. No luck yet though. We have decided to take a few weeks off from trying and see how it goes later. I have come to accept that she isn't ready yet and trying to enjoy the fact that she needs me and wants to be with me because I know there will be a time in her life that she might not feel that way.

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