Friday, September 02, 2011

Almost there...

The trouble with blogging is: when things are boring we are always thinking “there is nothing interesting to blog about” and when things are crazy we think “which thing should we choose to blog about?” Either way it tends to lead to not blogging. Haha! But we are making a promise to really stick to it while we are away.  We are soooo happy to have so many people rooting for us and wanting to hear about what we are doing. Please, stay with us!

A few Saturday’s ago was our Coffee House and Purse Sale and it was a huge success! Thanks to everyone who came out and supported us and for those who couldn’t make it but supported us by donating purses, gift cards and money towards the event. We were able to raise a bunch of money that will go to bless the people of the Dominican. We will keep you all updated on how the money is used and what cool things we are able to see God do through your generosity. Also thanks to The Freeway Cafe for having such a great spot in Hamilton and renting it out for so cheap! We feel so blessed to have such a great support system behind what we are going to do. So, THANK YOU!

Pictures by: Jenelle Fitch Photography

We are leaving in 7 days!!! It is hard to believe that it’s been almost a year since we made the decision to go and do work long term in the D.R and it’s been 6 months since we actually starting putting things in motion (which means our baby girl is 6 months old on Sunday..... WHAT THE HECK?!?!?!). With being 7 days out we are trying to get all of our “affairs” in order to try and maintain things here on the Canada front so that we don’t have to worry about it while we are away. People have been asking what sorts of things we need to do to get ready. You wouldn’t think it would be a lot of things but it sure does add up. We need to get travel insurance, put our car insurance on hold, get wills done up, switch all our bills to paperless billing, a lot of packing and buying things we wouldn’t be able to buy down there (and trying to figure out what those things actually are), preparing our cats to be watched by someone else.... oh the list could go on and on. Although it’s a lot of work it is kind of exciting work since we know it’s going to lead to a new and exciting adventure. The Dominican is such a relaxed and slower moving pace society and we are really looking forward to that new culture and life style. It has been easier since Chris is not working anymore (3rd week off!) having him around to help with Abriel and to get things sorted.  What a great way to start our 5 months off together.

In other exciting news: Chris’ sister, Carrie, got engaged about 5 weeks ago and is getting MARRIED! We are so excited for her and Dan. Carrie is such a great person and Dan is wonderful with her. We are happy to have him join our family (even though we think he’s nuts for wanting toJ). The wedding is December 3rd which means we are coming home for a weeklong visit. We fly home November 29th and fly back to the Dominican on December 6th.  It will be nice to see our friends and family for a week but a part of us is unsure how we will experience the quick culture shock (and the cold shock!).... It will be interesting to say the least.

If you are interested in giving money towards what we are doing in the Dominican and want to receive a charitable donation tax receipt you can do so through our church.
Please make cheques out to:

Community Church
PO Box 290
Waterdown, Ontario
 L0R 2H0.

Please put “Dominican Outreach” in the memo line.

Thanks! You are tremendous!

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