Sunday, May 22, 2011

Our stuff

Day 1
written on May 15/11

Today Chris and I packed our belongings and our baby’s belongings (let me add that my husband is an all star packer.... it’s a gifting!).   We created all these piles of things we “needed” to bring.  The pile kept getting bigger and bigger and every time I looked at other things in my house I would add it to the pile to be packed.  I needed outfits and, even when I had enough for each day, I needed to add more just in case I felt like wearing something else.  After everything was packed I stilled worried that we were missing something.  It made me realize how much I rely on my stuff and how I have created a life where I “need” so many things to live.  I am not saying stuff is bad or anything.... and I don’t plan on giving up my stuff but it made me think about the things I really need and maybe what I could part with to live a simpler life.

When we arrived at the airport and got through the entire airport craziness I, along with most of the other team members, went to grab some food.  Earlier, I packed a lunch which we ate on the way to the airport to save money but somehow we still ended up buying food....just because.  Since I have been to the Dominican before I knew what I was about to see....and I felt guilty for buying food.... especially since I had just eaten.  Now I know I would have to eat again sooner or later and food does cost money but it was just how I felt in the moment knowing that I have access to unlimited food while others work so hard and can barely feed their families.

We have now spent one day here (Dominican) and I am hit with the parallel that some of us, including myself, live in such great excess and indulgence and spend our money so freely.... while others die due to lack of basic human rights and needs (things that can be prevented). I don’t write this to condemn, I write this out of my own frustration of not knowing how to work this out in my brain.

There has to be a solution..... I know there is a solution.....but would I be willing to give away my excess to give someone the basics.....if I`m brutally honest, I don`t know. 


1 comment:

Mel said...

Great to hear your thoughts Keeleah... I agree it is hard to be so attached to our material things. I think alot of people substitute material items to fill the God shaped hole in their life. As weird as it will sound, its refreshing and a good reminder to hear about your trip and how some people have very little, and how much we take for granted, hopefully we can all try to give a little more and take or want a little less.